Ms. Sharon Kwan » Class Dojo

Class Dojo


New to ClassDojo?
1.  Dowload the ClassDojo app
2.  Open app and tap "parent" to create a parent account.
3.  Enter name, email,  & create a password.
4.  Tap "Add Child (+)" and use the code provided by your teacher.  (I will send the code home with your child)
Already have a parent account on ClassDojo?
1.  Open the ClassDojo app on your phone.
2.  Log in as a parent (if you aren't already).  Ensure you're logged in as a Parent, not a Student or Teacher.
3.  Tap the Kids section/avatars at the bottom of the screen.
4. Add child using each students unique individual code.  (I will send the code home with your child)                                              
Class Dojo will be the website that I will be using to maintain direct communication between the parent and teacher.  Class Dojo is able to translate to other languages.   Please contact me if you have any trouble logging
into Class Dojo.
Ms. Kwan - Kinder Teacher