This link is a public link that all schools must post to the public to display the average salaries at New World Educational Center.
This link takes you to the Arizona Department of Education Parental Rights Handbook Public Charter Schools that should be easily accessible to all families and made public.
Each charter school must conspicuously and permanently post a link on its website to the charter school’s academic performance dashboard and the charter holder’s financial and operational performance dashboards on the Board’s website. Once you are in the website you can use the drop down menu for different options.
Pleaese use this link to access the information of how to request public records and who to contact if you would more information.
Please click on this link to see the Visitiation Policy at New World Educational Center.
Please click on this link to see the Annual Financial Reports for our school and other AZ schools.
This link is used to review the annual fiancial report for New World.
Use this link to access information about NWEC School Board Meetings and the postings of each meeting.
By clicking on this link this will give you access to the resumes to the staff that instructed the students at New World Educational Center.