Visitation Policy
Visitors/Guests: Although not mandatory, we encourage parents to visit their child’s classroom and be actively involved by volunteering.
For safety reasons and to comply with state law, we require all visitors to report to the office. Please sign the “Visitor’s Log”, and receive a visitor’s badge and pass. Visitors are required to return to the office to sign out when leaving. During classroom visits, small children should be left at home, since young children may distract students. We also ask parents to avoid conversations with the teachers during such visits, allowing the teacher to conduct class as usual.
While on campus, parents are expected to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Administration (i.e., cell phones may not be used in the classroom). Minor children visiting the campus must realize that visiting is a privilege. Visiting minors who wish to visit the New World Educational Center campus during school hours must have the permission of the Principal or Administrator. Children requesting visiting privileges must fill out a visiting compact with the Principal at least 24 hours prior to the visit.
Visitors must sign the Visitor’s Log upon arrival. Visitors are expected to follow the same rules as the students. Dress must be modest, in accordance with standards made by the school. Cell phone use is not allowed during school hours. Visitors will be expected to remain in the office during the day and only join students during the lunch hour. Visitors are required to sign out when they leave.