Enrollment » Returning Students ONLY

Returning Students ONLY

Returning Students:

Returning students will receive priority and are guaranteed enrollment for the following school year if the                re-enrollment is completed promptly. 


Re-Enrollment for current students will occur annually during the open enrollment period.  Returning students must submit their updated re-enrollment forms by the deadline communicated by the school.  Any returning students that do not complete their re-enrollment application prior to the end of the designated period will be subject to first-come, first serve enrollment and may risk losing their seat for the upcoming year.


Parents must annually update and/or verify all information with every re-enrollment.  This includes the verification and/or update of residency information only when the address on file has changed from the previous enrollment year.


Siblings of returning students who have never previously attended New World Educational Center are granted priority enrollment status but must follow the new student admission process.

Parents will need to log into the link below to update any new information for returning students.  
Padres/tutores: inicie sesión en el Portal de Padres para actualizar cualquier información nueva para los estudiantes que regresan. Oprima a continuación.